> Soft loaves of bread

…slice after slice you find all the flavors
of the past…

Italian wheat flours


The soft sliced loaves are made with ingredients of natural origin and with mother yeast.
Many flavours, for every combination from sweet to savory.
Immediately ready to bring to the table thanks to the practical tray, always soft
for your sandwiches and perfect for quick snacks or delicious canapés.

Filone di grano tenero

soft wheat loaves

Filone ai 7 cereali

with linseed and sunflower
(wheat, corn, rye, barley, spelt, oats and rice)

Filone di grano duro

durum wheat loaves

Filone integrale

wholemeal with barley flakes

Filone senza sale

soft wheat, without salt


with linseed, sunflower and sprouted chickpeas

Filone BIO
Grani Antichi

with beta-glucans from oats
which reduce cholesterol

Regular consumption of 3g/DD
of betaglucans reduces cholesterol
1 portion of 100g of Filone Grani Antichi
provides 1.8g of betaglucans.
With just 166g you have the daily ration





> Our range

Soft loaves of bread

…slice after slice you find all the flavors of the past…

Mediterranean bread

…soft slices or crunchy bread…

Bake at home

…crispy and hot
whenever you want…

Soft buns

…so much flavor in a sandwich
so simple…

Bread crumbs

…for crunchy and light breadings…